Bayreuth, Walk of Wagner © Andreas Harbach

The “Walk of Wagner” originated in 2013, a copy of the famous “Walk of Fame” in Hollywood. The “Walk of Wagner” connects the Richard Wagner Residence with the Festival Opera House.

Walk of Wagner – Masters

The “Walk of Wagner” was created by the Bayreuth Marke­ting & Tourism GmbH, as a copy of the famous ”Walk of Fame” in Holly­wood. The walk connects the Wagner resi­dence Wahn­fried with the Festival Opera House on the green hill. On 19 concrete cubes, which also serve since 2014 as pedes­tals for Ottmar Hörls colored sculp­tures, nume­rous perso­na­li­ties of diffe­rent epochs are presented to the visi­tors. Along authentic Richard Wagner sites the visitor learns by reading infor­ma­tive and enter­tai­ning texts about the influence of archi­tects, like Gott­fried Semper and Otto Brück­wald, on Richard Wagner, as well as the origin of the Festival Opera House. The visitor learns about the connec­tion between the teachings of Siddhart Gaut­amas and Buddha with the operas the “Meis­ter­singer” and “Parsifal”. Radical left orien­tated persons such as Karl Marx, Michail Bakunin or Ludwig Feuer­bach influenced Richard Wagner, as well as Anti-Semites such as Theodor Uhlig and Jakob Fried­rich Fries. Musi­cally Richard Wagner was influenced by many compo­sers of earlier epochs as well as his time: you find strong sounds of Rossini, details of works of Bellinis, Spon­tinis and Meyer­beers in Richard Wagners works. Other famous names which are mentioned in the” connec­tion with the “Walk of Wagner” in 2017 are E.T.A. Hoff­mann, Mendelsohn Bartholdy, Chris­toph Willi­bald Gluck, Joseph Haydn, Carl Maria von Weber, Johann Sebas­tian Bach and of course Ludwig van Beet­hoven. Important impulses for Richard Wagners work came from antique poets and texts: Homer, Aischylos and Sopho­kles were the drama­tur­gical foref­a­thers for Wagner‘s works. At the end of his life Richard Wagner excluded, besides Johann Sebas­tian Bach, only one person from all criti­cism: Shake­speare, who influenced nume­rous Wagner operas. A plaque is also dedi­cated to him.

The new exhi­bi­tion was finan­ci­ally made possible by many, various spon­sors. By the hotel industry, gastro­nomy and retail. Addi­tional support gave the chamber of commerce of upper Fran­conia, the Bank Spar­kasse Bayreuth, the ticket office, the Bayreuth shop and the Bayreuth Sunday Newspaper.





Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


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Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001