Das Paradies im Süden der Stadt © Ökologisch Botanischer Garten

This one of a kind garden takes you on a botanical journey through the whole world in just a few hours!

Here you expe­ri­ence around 12000 species of plants in natural habi­tats on 16 hectares grounds and in 600 square meters green houses. Walk from the tropical rain forest to the boreal coni­fe­rous forest, past the one of a kind coll­ec­tion of medi­ter­ra­nean plants, through heath­land, moor and steppe areas. The exten­sive useful plants garden with over 700 types and varie­ties of medical plants, grains, vege­ta­bles and many more, make hobby gardeners feel very good. Due to its proxi­mity to nature, the garden is also a habitat for a large variety of native animal species.

The bota­nical garden belongs to the Univer­sity of Bayreuth and is open all year round to the public.
The main task of the garden is to support the univer­sity in rese­arch and teaching and to serve the public with recrea­tion and educa­tion. For teaching students and for rese­arch, exten­sive expe­ri­mental areas- several ground water basins, a meteo­ro­lo­gical measu­ring station, labo­ra­to­ries and an exten­sive library, are available.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001