Christkindlesmarkt © Stefan Doerfler

Against the magnificent background of historic Bayreuth, the booths of the Christmas Market offer culinary delicacies as well as handcrafted items.

Enjoy the pre-Christmas season

The market in Bayreuth has a long tradi­tion and is eagerly awaited by all Bayreu­thers every year. There is hardly a better place in Bayreuth or its surroun­dings to get in the mood for the Feast of Love than between all the small stalls on the Christmas market.

Visi­tors can hardly make up their mind with a wide selec­tion of Christmas deli­ca­cies. The scent of ginger­b­read, children’s punch and roasted almonds doesn’t make the decision any easier. Adults are also catered for: mulled wine or other high-percent treats make you get even closer and forget the cold winter weather.

If you are still looking for a suitable Christmas present for your loved ones, you will also find it at the Bayreuth Christmas Market. Whether Christmas deco­ra­tions or special gift ideas made of wood, with an offer of 40 stands you can find some­thing for every taste.

The Christ Child personally

The Bayreuth Christmas Market takes place from the end of November to 23rd of December. On the first evening, the Bayreuth Christ­kind will offi­ci­ally open the Christ­kind­les­markt between the hospital church and the old castle. Throug­hout the whole time of the Christmas Market, the market is visited again and again by Christ­kind. Small surprises are handed out to the young visi­tors to the market and also stories are read out again and again.

The abun­dantly deco­rated Christmas trees of all retailers on the Bayreuth Market Square and its side streets provide a parti­cu­larly festive atmo­sphere. In addi­tion, the longest string of lights in Fran­kens, with a length of around 7 km, creates a romantic atmo­sphere throug­hout the city centre.

Bayreuth Winter­vil­lage

For those who do not want to go home after the Christmas Market, the Bayreuth Winter­dorf is the perfect place. Directly behind the Christmas market, at the tax office of Bayreuth, you will find the rustic huts and mulled wine stalls. Those who want can spend the evening here with one or another mulled wine and music with their friends or family. Of course, the physical well-being is also well taken care of here. Enjoy the Bayreuth cordia­lity with nice conver­sa­tions in a convi­vial atmo­sphere and let a successful stay end by tasting many diffe­rent varie­ties of mulled wine.

By the way, the Bayreuth Winter Village with its unique atmo­sphere opens its doors in October on the fore­court of the Old Castle in the city centre: by the crack­ling fire­place you can enjoy deli­cious deli­ca­cies until 31 December and try nume­rous varia­tions of mulled wine by candlelight.




Mo. - Fr.: 09:00 - 18:00
Sa. 09:00 - 16:00
May - October: Su. + holidays: 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 88588


Mo. - Fr. 10:00 - 17:00
Sa. 10:00 - 14:00
Tel.: +49 0921 69001